Creating Workplace Well-Being by Design
Happy employees make successful companies and successful companies make people money. But if it were that easy, we would be surrounded by smiling moneymakers. What we can do at our businesses is to make employees as happy as possible and that means making an investment in their workplace well-being . The best way to do that, according to a recent article featured on Forbes , is not to put money into wellness programs, but to switch the perspective and focus on their well-being. However, if you design in a way that encourages well-being, they won’t need reactive programs to achieve wellness because they already are. Humans are funny creatures. Although we say we want autonomy, given the chance, we will follow the herd more times than not—especially if they are heading for something that makes evolutionary sense . Although your staff might not be thinking of it on that level, when the group has the choice to sit OR stand at their desk, they will make choices. For example, if they ...